Visit Melbourne’s largest sewage treatment plant from the comfort of your own home or classroom. Using augmented reality, take in breathtaking 360 degree views of Melbourne Water’s Western Treatment Plant.
The WTP Tour app enables you to open the doorway to the Western Treatment Plant from any location. Simply use the touch screen to choose between five incredible 360 degree views and navigate through different areas of the plant and stand on the viewing platform of the water lagoons.
Your virtual tour starts with a view of the large water lagoons used in the sewage treatment process. By selecting different icons, you can see how sewage enters this historic site and goes through the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary treatment stages to produce recycled water.
To take a deeper dive into the Western Treatment Plant, visit our website for the full virtual tour experience:
For more information, including WTP teaching resources, email us at or call 131 722.
This app requires Google Play AR Services, which can be installed from
To ensure the best user experience, open the app while your camera is directed at an open floor area, in a well-lit location.